24/7 Fact or Fiction
YOU CALL, WE COME: Electrical Repairs NOW and ON TIME. Our service electricians have been providing same day electrical repairs while meeting our on-time promise. For 33 YEARS, we have been your go-to electrical contractor for troubleshooting, installations and emergency electrical needs. CALL US NOW 916-929-7995
How are fake advertisements Identified. 24/7 can easily be added to a website. What can you do when you have wasted your time late at night calling for a plumber, electrician and finding a recording? My solution to this false advertisement is the BBB (Better Business Bureau). Do the following:
The preferred way is through your search bar. In the search bar, enter: electrician 24/7 near me open now. Depending on the time of day you may have several electrical service companies that advertise 24/7. That will show up on the front page. Your next step is to use the search bar and enter BBB Priority1electric. The WWW.BBB.ORG will open with Priority 1 Profile as the top ad.
Your search for a 24/7 electrician has ended. I can truthfully say that Priority 1 Electric will answer your call.
You ask how I can say this with certainty? It’s because I Donald Kruse answer your telephone after hours and on the weekends. I admit that I do have a natural health flaw. Due to my age, I visit the bathroom several times at night. The result being that I will not always be able to get to the cell phone, answer your call before the service disconnects. Please stay by your phone. My phone captures your phone number, and a return call is placed within a 3 – 5-minute span.
This is what we do, what we don’t do is attempt to mislead with false advertisement. Our membership with the BBB is 31 years. We have never had to pay for a call that comes through the BBB. Search engine advertisement is composed of a PPC digital marketing strategy. Companies such as Bing, Google, Yelp, Angie’s list, Home Advisor and many more. These companies charge a click fee each time an electrical service company’s ad was clicked by a potential customer. In our 33 years in the Sacramento Area, we have tried several PPC companies. We have instituted a tracing system where we know with certainty if the PPC is cost verses a profit center.
You may have noticed our member-ship with the BBB is 31 years while our time in the Sacramento metro area as an electrical service company is 33 years. We did not join the BBB the first two years we were in service.
And you folks that call me with a question late at night or in the wee hours of the morning. What are you thinking? That I can solve your problem by phone. Not a chance. You have a circuit problem; your power is out. I can dispatch an electrician or have our dispatcher call you in the morning to schedule a service electrician. That is the best I can do. If it appears to be a danger to you, your family or property, I will suggest you call the fire department to have your home checked for fire risks.